Conserving Wild Birds of Prey and their Habitats

Conserving Wild Birds of Prey and their Habitats

Conserving Wild Birds of Prey and their Habitats

Annual General Meeting

Thursday 5th October 2023.

To be held at the Avalon Marshes Centre, Shapwick Road, Westhay, Somerset BA6 9TT

The 2023 Annual General Meeting of the Hawk and Owl Trust will be held at 10.00 am on Thursday 5th, October at the Avalon Marshes Centre.

The AGM is open to current members only, and all are invited to attend. Members will be required to register their attendance prior to the event and will be asked to produce a valid members card on the day.

The AGM will start at 10.00 am.



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Hawk and Owl Trust - News

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